When creating our cd cover we wanted it to simple but also eye catching to the listeners. We first decided on using a city background to contradict the acoustic genre as it is usually associated with the countryside, however when we finished our draft we thought that our cd cover looked over crowded and the city background distracts from the importance of our artist. The use of the birds being the only thing in colour was used to emphasize the idea that nature conquers over the city as this idea links to the acoustic genre. This idea is conveyed by the birds being in red which is an extremley powerful and dominant colour. From this draft we kept the image of lucy the same because we thought the idea of not having a close up is different from other album covers which will make our artist unique and suggests that the music she creates is also very different from other artists today. Also we decided we didnt like 'Bella Diem' being in white as it doesnt look striking enough to attract listeners or passer bys in music stores and thought plain black would look far more classy and attractive. We also felt that the style font used on 'Bella Diem' was not what we wanted. We wanted it to be very swirly and fancy, as we thought this would suit our target audience better as girls would not like a font that is bulky and unflattering on the cd cover.
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